Thursday, July 26, 2012

Implementing an Image Library

1: Create Custom Media Content Types

2: Create and Configure an Assets Library

3: Configure Metadata Navigation

4: Add Image Assets to the Library

5: Configure the Preview Pane Metadata


1: Create Custom Media Content Types

Open your home page in Internet Explorer

1. Select Site Settings from the Site Actions control located in the upper left corner of the page.



2. In the Galleries section, click Site content types.


3. Click the Create link to create a new Content Type.


4. Enter Product Marketing Image in the Name text box.

5. Select Digital Asset Content Types in the Select parent content type from the drop-down.

6. Select Image as the Parent Content Type.

7. Click OK.


8. Click the Add from New Site Column link.


9. Enter Media Format in the Column name text box.

10. Select Choice for the type of field.

11. Create two choices for the field: Web and Print.


12. Click OK.

13. Click Add from Existing Site Columns link.


14. Add Product Category from the Available columns list box to the Columns to add list box.


15. Click OK.

16. From the Site Actions control, select Site Settings.

17. In the Galleries section, click Site content types links.

18. Click the Create link to create a new Content Type.

19. In the Name text box, enter Project Marketing Image.

20. In the Select Parent Content Type drop-down, select Digital Asset Content Types.

21. Select Image as the Parent content type.

22. Click OK.

23. Click the Add from Existing Site Columns link.

24. Add Media Format from the Available columns list box to the Columns to add the list box.

25. Add Project from the Available columns list box to the Columns to add the list box.

26. Click OK.


2: Create and Configure an Assets Library

1. Open your home page in Internet Explorer

2. From the Site Actions control, select More Options.


3. Select Asset Library and enter a name of Marketing Images; then, click Create.

4. Click the Library tab on the Ribbon.


5. Click the Library Settings Ribbon button.


6. Click the Add from Existing Content Types link.


7. Add the Product Marketing and Project Marketing content type to the Content types to add list box.


8. Click OK.


3: Configure Metadata Navigation

1. Open the existing Marketing Image library

2. Click the Library tab on the Ribbon.

3. Click the Library Settings Ribbon button.

4. Click the Metadata Navigation Settings link.


5. In the Selected Hierarchy Fields list box, remove the existing Folders option.

6. Select Product Category and Project; then, click Add to add to the Selected Hierarchy Fields list box.


7. Select Media Format from the Available Key Filter Fields; click Add to add to the Selected Key Filter Fields list box.


8. Verify Automatically Manage Column Indices on This List is selected.


9. Click OK.


4: Add Image Assets to the Library

Add some images to the Asset library


5: Configure the Preview Pane Metadata

1. Open the existing Marketing Image library

2. Click the Library tab on the Ribbon.

3. Click Modify View in the Manage Views section of the Ribbon.


4. Select Media Format column to add the column to the view.

5. Uncheck the Modified, Modified By, Scheduling Start Date, Scheduling End Date columns to remove from the view.


6. Click OK.

7. Hover over a thumbnail image in the view.

Verify the Preview Pane includes the correct metadata

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