Thursday, November 15, 2012

InfoPath cannot find or cannot access the following web server: http://........ Error message


When you create an InfoPath form with InfoPath Designer and try to Publish it to a SharePoint Server, the following error message shows up:

InfoPath cannot find or cannot access the following web server: http://........

Make sure that the web server name is valid, that your proxy setting are correct, and that you have the necessary permission to publish to this library.

If the server requires you to log on through the browser, log on there and select the option to remember your log on information, then try to publish again.

When checking the web server, everything seems to be ok

No Proxy server was used

Necessary permissions were good but still the error message kept showing up.

What actions to check for a solution;

· Check Firewall Settings – Ports

· Check Anti-Virus Client

· Enable  the "Allow management of content types" option.  To do this:

1. Open the document library
2. Click "Settings"
3. Click "Form Library Settings"
4. Click "Advanced Settings"
5. Click "Yes" under "Allow Management of Content Type"

Once it has been enabled, publish the form template as a "site content type" then add the form template to the document library that has been enabled to "Allow management content types".

If the above doesn't work, you can try this:

1. Open the "Site Collection Administration settings"
2. Select "Site content types" under "Galleries"
3. Click on "Form"
4. Click on "Advanced Settings". This screen will come up:


5. If the "Enter the URL of an existing document template" has a value, just clear it to look like this:


6. Create a new Form library.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Set up a new term set in SharePoint 2013

IMPORTANT    To add a term set in the Term Store management tool, you must be a Group Manager or a Term Store Administrator

To set up a new term set, you must access the Term Store management tool, and then use the tool to specify the term set properties.

Open the Term Store management tool

To open the Term Store management tool, select the SharePoint environment that you want, and then follow the steps listed.

  • In SharePoint Online
  1. Go to the SharePoint Online Administration Center.
  2. Click Term Store.
  • In SharePoint Server
  1. From the site collection Home page, click Site Contents.
  2. On the Site Contents page, click Options button Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Administration group, click Term store management.

After you open the Term Store management tool, you can begin to set up the term set.

To set up a new term set, follow these steps.

  1. Open the Term Store management tool.
  2. In the tree-view navigation pane, expand the groups to find the group to which you want to add a term set.
  3. image
  4. Point to the term set where you want to add a term, click the arrow that appears, and then click New Term Set.
  5. Type the name that you want to use as the default label for your term in the newly created term in the tree view.
  6. In the Properties pane of the Term Store Management tool, select the General tab and then specify the following information about the new term set:



  1. Term Set Name   Type a name for your term set. This field should already be populated with the name of the column, but you can update it or change it.
  2. Description   Type a description that will help users understand how they should use these terms.
  3. Owner   If you want the owner of the term set to be someone other than you, you can change the Owner to another person or group. You can enter only one item.
  4. Contact   Type an e-mail address if you want site users to be able to provide feedback on the term set.
  5. Stakeholders   Add the names of users or groups that should be notified before major changes are made to the term set.
  6. Submission Policy   Specify whether you want the term set to be Closed or Open.
  7. Available for Tagging   Select the check box to make the terms in the term set available for tagging. If you clear the check box, then this term set won't be visible to most users. If the term set is still in development, or is not otherwise ready for use, you might want to clear the check box.
  1. Select the Intended Use tab, and then specify the following settings:


  1. Available for Tagging   Check this box to make this term set available for users to choose for tagging
  2. Use this Term Set for Site Navigation   Check this box to enable this term set to be used for managed navigation.
  1. Select the Custom Sort tab, and then select the sort order that you prefer.
  2. Select the tab to specify any additional data about the term set.
  3. Click Save to save your property updates.

Enable Metadata Navigation and Filtering in SharePoint 2013

The Metadata Navigation and Filtering feature is enabled by default on most sites. If it is not enabled for your site, you can enable it on the Site Features pages for your site.

You must be a Site Owner or a Site Collection Administrator to enable Metadata Navigation and Filtering.

  1. On the Site Actions menu, click Site Settings. image
  2. Under Site Actions, click Manage site features.
  3. In the Features list, find Metadata Navigation and Filtering, and then click Activate.


Disable or enable Metadata Publishing in SharePoint 2013


To disable or enable Metadata Publishing, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the list or library for which you want to configure Metadata Publishing.
  2. On the List or Library tab of the ribbon, click List Settings or Library Settings.
  3. Under Permissions and Management, click Enterprise Metadata and Keywords Settings.
  4. In the Metadata Publishing section, under Save metadata on this list as social tags do one of the following:
  • To publish values in Managed Metadata and enterprise keywords fields to social tagging and My Site profiles, select the check box.
  • To prevent values in Managed Metadata and enterprise keywords fields from being exposed to social tagging and My Site profiles, clear the check box.


  1. Click OK.


You can control whether the terms or keywords that are added to the Managed Metadata or enterprise keywords columns in a list or library become available as keywords for social tagging. For example, if your list contains sensitive information, you might not want the keyword values to be visible. To restrict access to keywords, you might want to disable Metadata Publishing.

NOTE    By default, terms from a local term set that was created in the context of a specific site collection are excluded from Metadata Publishing. Local term sets are not available for use in social tagging or as Enterprise Keywords.

Add an enterprise keywords column to a list or library in SharePoint 2013


Add an enterprise keywords column to a list or library

  1. Click Library Settings or List Settings on the ribbon for the library or list.
  2. In the Permissions and Management column, click Enterprise Metadata and Keyword Settings.
  3. On the settings page, in the Add Enterprise Keywords section, select the check box for Add an Enterprise Keywords column to this list and enable Keyword Synchronization.



Users add enterprise keywords to items on a SharePoint site so that they can use the keywords for tagging and to develop a folksonomy. Enterprise keywords are a good way to capture some of the knowledge of the people who use the content. To make it easy for users to add keywords, you can add a special enterprise keywords column to a list or library. Then, to add a keyword to an item, users just select the item and enter the word or phrase they want in the item properties.

Users can add keywords in the document properties dialog

Set up metadata navigation for a list or library in SharePoint 2013

You must have a least the Manage Lists permission level to set up metadata navigation for a list or library.

  1. Go to the list or library for which you want to configure metadata navigation.
  2. Click the List or Library tab of the ribbon, and then click List Settings or Library Settings.
  3. Under General Settings, click Metadata navigation settings.

In the Configure Navigation Hierarchies section, select the field or fields that you want to display in the navigation hierarchy and then click Add.

Metadata Navigation settings let you specify the metadata fields that can be added to a navigation tree control

  1. By default, the navigation tree displays folders. If you do not want folders to display, select Folders, and then click Remove.
  2. In the Configure Key Filters section, select the fields that you want to add as Key Filters, and then click Add.
  3. In the Configure automatic column indexing for this list, specify whether you want to create indexes automatically on this list. This improves the performance of the queries that users perform when they use the navigation tree and Key Filter columns that you specified. It is recommended that you select the option Automatically manage column indices on this list.
  4. Click OK.


Why use Metadata Navigation?

To make it easier for users to find content in large lists and libraries, you can set up metadata navigation. Metadata navigation enables users to filter and find content in lists and libraries by using a navigation tree. They can also apply Key Filters, which work in combination with the navigation tree to refine the list of items that display.

When you set up metadata navigation, you can determine which columns from the library appear in the tree, and you can specify Key Filters. The following illustration shows a simple navigation tree that is based on content type.

You can set up metadata navigation for a tree control in the left-hand panel


Create a managed metadata column in SharePoint 2013

IMPORTANT    You must be a Site Collection Administrator to create or configure site columns. You must have the Manage Lists permission level to create columns for lists or libraries. By default, site owners have Manage Lists permission.

  1. You can create column for managed metadata column for lists and libraries, or you can create a site column. Create the column by choosing one of the following procedures:
  • Create a site column.

To create a site column for managed metadata, follow these steps:

  1. On the Home page, select Site Contents.
  2. On the Site Contents page, click Options button Settings.
  3. Under Web Designer Galleries, click Site columns.
  4. On the Site Column page, click Create.
  5. On the New Site Column page, in the Name and Type section, type the name of the column
  • Create list or library column.

To create a managed metadata column for a list or library, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the list or library where you want to create the column.
  2. On the List or Library tab of the ribbon, click List Settings or Library Settings, as appropriate.
  3. In the Columns section, click Create Column.
  4. On the Create Column page, in the Name and Type section, type the name of the column.
  1. In The type of information in this column is section, choose managed metadata.
  2. In the Group section, select a group for the column or create a group for it.
  3. In the Additional Column Settings section, type a description and specify whether the value is required. You can also specify whether you want to enforce unique values for the column.
  4. In the Multiple Value field section, specify whether you want to allow multiple values in the column.

    IMPORTANT    If you allow multiple values in the column, users won’t be able to sort on this column.

  5. In the Display format section, specify whether to display only the term label, or to display the term and its full path in the term set hierarchy.
  6. In the Term Set Settings section, do one of the following:
  • To use an existing term set, select Use a managed term set, and then search or browse for the name of the term set. After you select the term set name, you can specify whether to allow users to fill-in values, and set a default value for the column.
  • To create a term set for this column, select Customize your term set, and type a description for the term set. Then, click Edit Using Term Set Manager.

Click OK.


A managed metadata column lets you control the information that people can enter into a column. Users select the terms or phrases that they enter in the column from a pre-defined set of managed terms.

The following illustration shows how this works. The document library in the illustration has a managed metadata column called “Discover ECM”. To enter values in the column, a user edits the properties for an item in the library (in this case, the item is a spreadsheet). The name of the managed metadata column, Discover ECM, is the label for a field on the properties page. To see a list of terms, users just click the tags icon.

a Managed metadata column lets users select pre-defined values to enter in the column using the document properties.

When you set up a managed metadata column, you can use an existing term set, or you can add a term set specifically for this purpose.


Create a Managed Metadata column in SharePoint 2010


Create a managed metadata column that maps to an existing term set or term

You must be a Site Collection Administrator to create or configure site columns. You must have the Manage Lists permission level to create columns for lists or libraries. Site owners have this permission by default.


  1. On the New Site Column or Create Column page (depending on which type of column you’re creating) in the Name and Type section, type the name you want the column to have.
  2. Under The type of information in this column is, click Managed Metadata.
  3. In the Group section, select or create the group in which you want to organize the column.
  4. In the Additional Column Settings section, type a description and specify whether or not you want to require users to provide a value for this column. You can also specify whether you want to enforce unique values for the column.
  5. If you are adding a column to a list or library, then you may be able to specify whether you want to add this new Managed Metadata column to all content types for the list or library (if multiple content types are enabled for the library). You can also specify whether you want to add this column to the default view for the list or library.
  6. In the Multiple Value field section, specify whether you want to allow multiple values in the column. If you allow multiple values, users will not be able to sort on this column in list views.
  7. In the Display format section, specify whether you want the column to display only the term label, or the term and its full path in the hierarchy of the term set.
    It can be helpful to display the full hierarchical path in situations where the context for the term itself might be unclear.
  8. In the Term Set Settings section, select Use a managed term set, and then do one of the following:


  • To search for a term set that contains the terms you want to use, type the name of a term and click the Find button. You can select the term set or term that you want from the results that display in the box. If you want to search again, click the Reset button.
  • To browse for the term set or term that you want to map to this column, click the arrow to the left of the Managed Metadata Service application that displays in the box to expand it and browse for the term set you want. Continue to expand nodes until you find the term set or term you want. Click it to select the term set or term.


  1. In the Allow Fill-in section, specify whether you want to be able to allow users to add new values to the term set. If the term set you select is closed, you will not be able to allow Fill-in.


  1. In the Default Value section, you can optionally specify the term you want to use as the default value for the column. You can type the term, or you can click the Tags icon to browse for the term using the term picker.
  2. Click OK.

Create a new Managed Metadata column with a new term set

If there is not an existing term set that you want to use, you can also create a new term set for a new Managed Metadata column. The term set that you create will be a “local” term set that can be used only within the site collection where you create it. Any terms that you add to a local term set will not be offered as suggestions in Enterprise Keywords columns (unlike terms in global term sets).

You must be a Site Collection Administrator to create or configure site columns. You must have the Manage Lists permission level to create columns for lists or libraries. Site owners have this permission by default.


  1. On the New Site Column or Create Column page (depending on which type of column you’re creating) in the Name and Type section, type the name you want the column to have.
  2. Under The type of information in this column is, click Managed Metadata .
  3. In the Additional Column Settings section, type a description for the column, and specify whether you want to require users to enter a value for the column. You can also specify whether you want to enforce unique values for the column.
  4. If you are adding a column to a list or library, then you may also be able to specify whether you want to add this new Managed Metadata column to all content types for the list or library (if multiple content types are enabled for the library). You can also specify whether you want to add this column to the default view for the list or library.
  5. In the Multiple Value field section, specify whether you want to allow multiple values in the column. If you allow multiple values, users will not be able to sort on this column in list views.
  6. In the Display format section, specify whether you want the column to display only the term label, or the term and its full path in the hierarchy of the term set.
    It can be helpful to display the full hierarchical path in situations where the context for the term itself might be unclear.
  7. In the Term Set Settings section, select Customize your term set, and then type a description for the term set.


  1. Click Edit Using Term Set Manager, and then click OK when you are prompted to save your changes. image
  2. Follow the steps in the section Create and configure a new term set to set up the term set.

Create and configure a new term set


  1. Click Save to save your property updates.
  2. To add terms to the term set, point to the term set in the tree control on the left, click the arrow that appears, and then click Create Term, and then type the name you want for your term.
  3. In the Properties pane, specify the following information about your new term:


  1. Click Save
  2. Repeat steps 3 -5 to add new terms.
  3. To create sub-terms underneath terms, point to an individual term underneath which you want to nest another term, click the arrow that appears, and then click Create Term, and type the name you want for your term.
  4. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to specify properties for your sub-terms (select the term you want to update first).
  5. By default, terms within term sets are displayed in the default sort order for the language. If you want to specify a custom sort order so that terms appear in a consistent order, regardless of the language or changes to term labels, you can do that by selecting the term set in the tree control, and then clicking the Custom Sort tab on the right. Click Use custom sort order, and then use the lists boxes to arrange terms in the desired numerical order.

Benefits of using a Managed Metadata column

Managed Metadata columns promote the consistent use of metadata across sites because they provide users with a list of terms that they can apply to their content. These terms come from a term set that is managed centrally in the Term Store Management Tool by a Term Store Administrator or other individuals with permissions to manage terms.

Because this term set is updated and managed separately from the column itself, there is no need to update the column (or any content types, lists, or libraries associated with it) to make updated terms available to users. Whenever the term set that a specific Managed Metadata column is bound to is updated, the updated terms will automatically become available to users wherever that Managed Metadata column is available. This makes a Managed Metadata column very different from a Choice column, which would have to be updated every time you wanted to change the list of choice values a user could select.

Managed Metadata columns also have several unique features and characteristics that help users select and apply terms to content, such as support for “type-ahead,” as well as support for disambiguation of terms, descriptions, synonyms, and multi-lingual values.

Type-ahead, Disambiguation, Descriptions, Synonyms

When a the user begins typing a value into a Managed Metadata field, it displays all terms in the associated term set that begin with the characters the user has typed. The name of the term set and the term's position in the hierarchy can be indicated along with the term itself, which can help users select the appropriate term.

When you begin typing, terms are suggested to you.

Users can move their pointer over suggested terms to see descriptive text to help them make appropriate decisions.

Explanatory text helps users select the correct term.

If synonyms have been specified for a term, users can enter those, and the correct term will be assigned.

Tree Picker

When users update a Managed Metadata column, they can type the value they want, or they can click the tags icon that displays next to the Managed Metadata field to launch the term picker dialog box, which they can use to select a value from within the hierarchy of the term set. This is useful to users who may not be familiar with the terms that are available. If the term set has been configured to be open, and the Managed Metadata column for it allows fill-in values, users may have the option to add a new term to the term set. Or they may simply have the option to send feedback to the designated contact for the term set.

You can select managed terms from a tree control picker.

Columns in SharePoint 2010

How to create a new column
  1. Select the List tab.
  2. Click Create Column.
  3. Name the column.
  4. Select the type of information for this column. For example, choose Single line of text for Customer Name or Employee Address.
  5. Choose any options you want under Additional Column Settings, and then click OK.
How to create a Lookup column
  1. From inside your list, select the List tab.
  2. Click Create Column and name the column.
  3. Select Lookup (information already on this site).
  4. Select a list on the Get information from drop-down menu, to pull data from that list.
  5. If you want to pull more than one field from the list, specify that column under Add a column to show each of these additional fields, and then click OK
How to rename the title column
  1. Click the List tab.
  2. Click List Settings.
  3. Click the Title column to edit it.
  4. In the Column name box, type the new name for the column.
  5. Choose any options under Additional Column Settings, and then click OK.
How to delete a column
  1. From inside your list, select the List tab.
  2. Click List Settings.
  3. Click the name of a column, and then click Delete.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Synchronize a SharePoint list with a spreadsheet program

To synchronize a SharePoint list, you must have a compatible spreadsheet program, such as Excel 2010, installed on your client computer, and you must have read permission to the list.

Synchronize a SharePoint list with a spreadsheet program

NOTE    The following instructions use Excel 2010 as an example. If you are using a different spreadsheet program, consult the Help information for that program.

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint site that contains the list you want to synchronize with a spreadsheet program.
  2. Click the name of the SharePoint list on the Quick Launch, or click Site Actions, click View All Site Content, and then in the appropriate list section, click the name of the list.

NOTE    A SharePoint site can be significantly modified in appearance and navigation. If you cannot locate an option, such as a command, button, or link, contact your administrator.

  1. On the ribbon, click the List tab, and then in the Connect & Export group, click Export to Spreadsheet.
  2. If you are prompted to confirm the operation, click OK.
  3. In the File Download dialog box, click Open.
  4. If you are prompted whether to enable data connections on your computer, click Enable if you believe the connection to the data on the SharePoint site is safe to enable.

Excel creates an Excel Table with a data connection based on a Web query file.

To see further changes made to the SharePoint list in spreadsheet program, you must manually update the data. For example in Excel 2010, in the Excel table connected to a SharePoint list, on the Design tab, in the External Table Data group, click Refresh.


Introduction to synchronizing a SharePoint list with a spreadsheet program

You can synchronize data between a SharePoint list and a compatible spreadsheet program, and keep both sets of data up-to-date. For example you may want to maintain a product inventory in a SharePoint list so it’s easy to share and update, but also do periodic inventory analysis by using a spreadsheet program, such as Excel 2010.

There are three ways to synchronize data between a SharePoint list and a spreadsheet program. Whichever way you choose, this synchronization is one-way, or unidirectional. Changes made in the SharePoint list can be updated in the spreadsheet program, but any changes that you make in the spreadsheet program are not written to the SharePoint list.

To synchronize a SharePoint list, you must have a compatible spreadsheet program, such as Excel 2010, installed on your client computer, and you must have read permission to the list.

NOTE    You cannot synchronize a SharePoint external list with a spreadsheet program.


Synchronizing list data by using the Export to Spreadsheet command

You can synchronize the data in a SharePoint list with a compatible spreadsheet program by using the Export to Spreadsheet command in the list ribbon. As the SharePoint list continues to be updated, depending on your spreadsheet program, you can also use a command in your spreadsheet program to manually update your spreadsheet with the latest data.

For example in Excel 2010, you can refresh the data connection, which replaces and overwrites the Excel data with the current list data. If your SharePoint list contains folders, the folder structure does not appear in the resulting Excel table. However, the Item Type and Path columns are added to the Excel table so you can filter and sort the data, based on its type and location or subfolder of the list.

Synchronizing list data by using the Query List with Excel command in Datasheet view

If you have Excel 2010 installed on your client computer, you can also synchronize a SharePoint list from Datasheet view by using the Query List with Excel command available in the Datasheet view task pane. Using additional commands in the task pane, you can also synchronize the list data and do the following:

  • Create an Excel chart
  • Create an Excel PivotTable
  • Print the list from Excel
Synchronizing list data by using the Export Table command in Excel

From Excel 2010, you can also export an existing Excel table to a new SharePoint List by using the Export Table to SharePoint List Wizard. This approach is useful when you already have the data in an Excel table and you want to create a SharePoint list during the synchronization process.


Create or delete a list

Create a list
  1. Click Site Actions, and then click More Options.
  2. On the left, click List, and then choose the kind of list you want to create.
  3. Click More Options.
  4. Type the name for the list. A name is required.
    The name appears at the top of the list in most views, becomes part of the web address for the list page, and appears in site navigation to help users find the list. You can change the name of a list, but the web address remains the same.
  5. Type the description for the list. A description is optional.
    The description appears under the name in most views. Some kinds of lists can receive content by e-mail. If you plan to enable the list to receive content by e-mail, you can add the e-mail address of the list to its description, so that people can easily find the e-mail address. You can change the description for a list.
  6. To add a link to the Quick Launch, verify that Yes is selected in the Navigation section.
  7. Click Create.
Delete a list or calendar
  1. Go to the list that you want to delete.
  2. At the top, click either the Calendar tab or List tab.
  3. Click List Settings.
  4. Click Delete this list, and then click OK.
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How to turn on Inline Editing in SharePoint 2010

Datasheet View in SharePoint 2010 will not work when one of the below is true
  • You are using 64bit Office (Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 are only x32 supported)
  • You are using 64bit Internet Explorer
  • A datasheet component compatible with SharePoint 2010 is not installed.
  • Your browser does not support ActiveX controls.
  • Certain libraries and lists do not support Datasheet view, such as a slide library, and therefore the Datasheet view command is dimmed.

As an alternative you can use Inline Editing

  1. On the List tab, click Modify View.
  2. On the Modify View page, scroll down and find the Inline Editing section.
  3. Click the plus sign next to Inline Editing.
  4. Select the Allow Inline Editing check box.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click OK.

Define scopes for searches


Display the View Scopes page

To view and manage all of the scopes in a site collection, use the View Scopes page. On the View Scopes page, you can add a new scope, edit an existing scope, view scope display groups, add scope display group, check the status of updates, view how many items are included in the scope, and see whether or not it is a shared scope.

To access the View Scopes page you need to be an administrator with site collection administrator permissions.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. On the View Scopes page, do one of the following:
  • To define a new scope, click New Scope, and then follow the steps in the section, Create or edit a scope.
  • To edit the rules for an existing scope, click the name of the scope, and then follow the steps in the sectionAdd or edit scope rules.
  • To define a custom display group and arrange scopes within it, click Display Groups, and then follow the steps in the section Configure scope display groups.


Define scopes for searches

A search scope defines a subset of information in the search index. If you imagine that the entire index of content is a pie, a scope is one or more slices. A conventional slice of pie may be triangular in shape, but by using scope rules, you can slice the pie into many different shapes. Scopes can be enabled on the Search box on sites, as a tab on the Search Center site, or in some Web Parts, and allow users to focus a search on a particular location or set of content.

Typically, search scopes encompass specific topics and content sources that are important and common to users in the organization. For example, you could create a search scope for all items related to a specific project or for all items related to a specific group in the organization such as Finance or Marketing. You can also create a search scope that includes several other scopes.

What do you want to do?

Plan scopes

To create and use a search scope, you create the scope, define its rules, and assign the scope to a display group. A display group is the location where the scope will be visible in the user interface. Default display groups include theSearch Dropdown and Advanced Search. You can create other display groups and move search scopes into them.

Scope rules define exactly which content from the search index will be included in the scope. Rules enable you to include or exclude items, such as specific sites. For example, you might have a team site that contains documents that you do not want to include in search results. You can create a scope rule that excludes that team site and its content from search results. Scope rules can only be applied after the scope is created and assigned to a display group. Rules can be updated or modified at any time.

You can also create and configure scopes for use with federated Web Parts. Federated search is a set of results that is not indexed, but appears next to your indexed content. Federated search results come from outside your organization. You can set up scope rules for federated searches and apply them to the federated Web Part.

Search scopes can be created and defined at two levels: the Search Service level and the site collection administration level. Search scopes that are created at the search service level are also known as shared scopes. These scopes are available to all site collections. The site collection administrator can make a copy of these scopes, but cannot modify or delete the shared scope.

A site collection administrator can create new search scopes and new display groups. These scopes and display groups are available to all sites in the same site collection, but not to sites in other site collections.

You can make managed properties available in searches, which can help people search by allowing them to target their queries directly against the metadata on columns. A list of the managed properties available for use in scopes is in the Property Query section of the Add Scope Rule page or Edit Scope Rule page. For more information, see the section Add or edit scope rules.

Top of Page TOP OF PAGE

Display the View Scopes page

To view and manage all of the scopes in a site collection, use the View Scopes page. On the View Scopes page, you can add a new scope, edit an existing scope, view scope display groups, add scope display group, check the status of updates, view how many items are included in the scope, and see whether or not it is a shared scope.

To access the View Scopes page you need to be an administrator with site collection administrator permissions.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. On the View Scopes page, do one of the following:
  • To define a new scope, click New Scope, and then follow the steps in the section, Create or edit a scope.
  • To edit the rules for an existing scope, click the name of the scope, and then follow the steps in the section Add or edit scope rules.
  • To define a custom display group and arrange scopes within it, click Display Groups, and then follow the steps in the section Configure scope display groups.


Create or edit a scope

Scopes make it possible to focus searches on a particular set of content. An administrator with site collection administrator permissions can copy a shared scope and modify that copy, or add new scopes for use within the same site collection.

When adding a new scope to a site collection, it can be helpful to begin by copying an existing scope such as All sites, and then adding rules that specify the location of the content, and what should be included or excluded base on property values. By combining and adjusting multiple rules, you can design scopes for the site collection that provide focused searches tailored to the needs of particular work groups.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. Do one of the following steps:
  • To create a new scope, click New Scope.
  • To edit an existing scope, click the title of the scope to display the Scope Properties and Rules page, and then click Change scope settings.

    NOTE    If the scope is a shared scope, you will not be able to edit its settings. Shared scopes are configured in Central Administration.

  1. In the Title box, type a word, name, acronym, or short phrase to describe the scope. The title displays in the Scopes list and indicates to the user the type of content that they will be searching when they use this scope.
  2. In the Description box, type an optional description for your reference and for site owners. This is not displayed to end users.
  3. In the Display Groups section, choose one or more places in the user interface where the scope will be displayed. For example in the Search Dropdown.
  4. In the Target Results Page section, choose whether to display the results from searches of this scope on the default search results page or on a different Web page. To use a different search results page, select Specify a different page for searching this scope, and then type the Web address for another existing results page in the Target results page box (for example, http://site/subsite/folder/NameOfCustomResultsPage.aspx).
  5. Click OK.

Add or edit scope rules

Scope rules define the content that is associated with the scope by specifying the location of the content, its properties, and what should be included or excluded from the scope. Rules can only be added once a scope is created.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. Locate the title of the scope in the list for which you want to add or edit rules, and then do one of the following steps:
  • If the scope has no rules, in the Update Status column, click Add rules.
  • To edit an existing rule or to add additional rule, click the title of the scope, and then in the Rules section, click an existing rule to edit it or click New Rule.
  1. In the Scope Rule type section choose one of the following options:
  • To include or exclude a location and specify a content source such as a folder, hostname, or domain/subdomain and then use rules in the Behavior section, select Web Address.
  • To include or exclude content found by searching on a value assigned to a managed property, selectProperty Query.
  • To include all content from all sites included in the search index, select All Content.

    TIP    To apply rules to multiple properties or values, define a separate rule for each property setting.

  1. If the scope rule type is Web Address, then in the Property Query section, choose one of following:
Folder A folder can be a location on a team site. For example, http://site/subsite/folder.The rule will apply only to items located within the folder indicated and its subfolders.
Hostname This rule will apply to items located anywhere on that host
Domain or subdomain This rule will apply to all items location within the specified domain.

If the scope rule type is Property Query, in the Property Query section, select a property and type a value.

TIP    To apply rules to multiple properties or values, define a separate rule for each property setting.

  1. In the Behavior section, choose how this rule will combine with other rules to define the scope. ChooseInclude for an "OR" rule, or Exclude for an "AND NOT" rule, or Require for an "AND" rule.
  2. Click OK.

NOTE    Search scopes and their rules are compiled on a schedule that is adjusted automatically based on the frequency of past updates. A new scope will not appear in a Search Box scope list until after it is compiled the first time.


Remove a scope or scope rules

An administrator with site collection administrator permissions can remove only those scopes created at the site collection administration level. Shared scopes, which are created by the search service administrator for use in the site collection cannot be removed.

Remove a scope

When you delete a scope from a site collection, the scope is also removed from all of the sites in that site collection.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. On the View Scopes page, click the arrow next to the title of the scope.
  5. Choose Delete.
  6. Click OK.
Remove scope rules
  1. On the View Scopes page, click the arrow next to the title of the scope, and then choose Edit Properties and Rules.
  2. Do one of the following:
    Remove an individual rule
    1. On the Scope Properties and Rules page, under Rules, click the name of the rule.
    2. Click Delete.
    3. Click OK.
    Remove all rules for a scope
    • On the Scope Properties and Rules page, under Rules, click Delete all rules.


Configure scope display groups

Scopes are assigned to display groups, which identify where the scopes can be used. For example, if you assign a scope to the Search Dropdown display group, this scope will be visible to users wherever the Search Dropdown box is configured for scopes. These locations could be on a Web Part or in the Search box on a team site. An administrator with site collection administrator permissions can create a new display group and arrange scopes within it, or add scopes to existing display groups. A site owner can then add the display group to the scope list of any Search box in the site, enabling users to do more focused searches.

Create or edit scope display groups

To enable a site owner to change the scopes that are available from the scope list next to a Search box, a site collection administrator can modify existing display groups or create new display groups and arrange scopes within them.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. On the View Scopes page, click Display Groups.
  5. Click New Display Group, or click the arrow next to an existing display group, and then click Edit Display Group.
  6. On the Create Scope Display Group or the Edit Scope Display Group page, in the Title box, type a title that will help to identify the display group.
  7. In the Description box, type an optional display group description. This is for your reference and for site owners, and is not displayed to end users.
  8. In the Scopes section, select the check box next to the scopes you want to include in the display group.
  9. Use the Position from Top list to adjust the order of scopes within the display group.
  10. In the Default Scope list, choose the scope that will set as the default scope for the end user.
  11. Click OK.
Include a scope in display groups

A site collection administrator can assign scopes that are created at the site collection level to display groups for use by site owners. Shared scopes, those scopes that are created and defined by a server administrator, cannot be moved among display groups at the site collection level.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search scopes.
  4. Click the title of a scope.

    NOTE    Make sure that there is no check mark in the Shared column. The site collection administrator cannot modify shared scopes.

  5. On the Scope Properties and Rules page, in the Scope Settings section, click Change scope settings.
  6. On the Edit Scope page, in the Display Groups section, select the checkboxes for the display groups in which you want the scope to be included.
  7. Click OK.


Show or hide the scopes dropdown on all sites in the site collection

To add scopes to the Search box of all sites in the site collection, make sure all of the scopes you want to add are listed in the Search Dropdown display group. Then, you modify the settings for the site collection to either show or hide the scopes dropdown.

  1. Log on to the home page of your top-level site with site collection administrator permissions.
  2. Click the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, in the Site Collection Administration section, click Search settings.
  4. Under the Site Search Dropdown Mode section, select Show scopes dropdown to display a list of the scopes that are in the display group called Search Dropdown

Define scopes for searches

A search scope defines a subset of information in the search index. If you imagine that the entire index of content is a pie, a scope is one or more slices. A conventional slice of pie may be triangular in shape, but by using scope rules, you can slice the pie into many different shapes. Scopes can be enabled on the Search box on sites, as a tab on the Search Center site, or in some Web Parts, and allow users to focus a search on a particular location or set of content.

Typically, search scopes encompass specific topics and content sources that are important and common to users in the organization. For example, you could create a search scope for all items related to a specific project or for all items related to a specific group in the organization such as Finance or Marketing. You can also create a search scope that includes several other scopes.


Plan scopes

To create and use a search scope, you create the scope, define its rules, and assign the scope to a display group. A display group is the location where the scope will be visible in the user interface. Default display groups include theSearch Dropdown and Advanced Search. You can create other display groups and move search scopes into them.

Scope rules define exactly which content from the search index will be included in the scope. Rules enable you to include or exclude items, such as specific sites. For example, you might have a team site that contains documents that you do not want to include in search results. You can create a scope rule that excludes that team site and its content from search results. Scope rules can only be applied after the scope is created and assigned to a display group. Rules can be updated or modified at any time.

You can also create and configure scopes for use with federated Web Parts. Federated search is a set of results that is not indexed, but appears next to your indexed content. Federated search results come from outside your organization. You can set up scope rules for federated searches and apply them to the federated Web Part.

Search scopes can be created and defined at two levels: the Search Service level and the site collection administration level. Search scopes that are created at the search service level are also known as shared scopes. These scopes are available to all site collections. The site collection administrator can make a copy of these scopes, but cannot modify or delete the shared scope.

A site collection administrator can create new search scopes and new display groups. These scopes and display groups are available to all sites in the same site collection, but not to sites in other site collections.

You can make managed properties available in searches, which can help people search by allowing them to target their queries directly against the metadata on columns. A list of the managed properties available for use in scopes is in the Property Query section of the Add Scope Rule page or Edit Scope Rule page.


Sync a library to your computer in SharePoint 2013

You can sync a SharePoint library to your computer, and then work with files in the library by using Windows Explorer. Updates to files sync to SharePoint whenever you’re online. You can sync your SkyDrive or a library on a team site.

Sync your SkyDrive library to your computer

The simplest way to sync your SkyDrive library is to go to your SkyDrive and then click the SYNC button:


This opens the Sync Library wizard, and automatically recognizes the name and web address of your SkyDrive library. Click Sync Now to start syncing your SkyDrive or change the location (preferred not on a system drive!).




Click Show my files… in the dialog box to open your synced SkyDrive folder in Windows Explorer. In Windows Explorer, your synced SkyDrive is listed in your Favorites in a folder named “SkyDrive Pro.” /| SkyDrive@ (Office 365)


You can also start the Sync Library wizard from the SkyDrive Pro menu in your Windows system tray:

SkyDrive Pro menu in the Windows system tray

If you have yet to sync any SharePoint libraries to your computer, the Sync Library wizard automatically prompts you to sync your SkyDrive, and references the Web address of your SkyDrive. If you want to sync a different library, you can click Sync a different library instead and then enter the Web address of the SharePoint library you want to sync.

If you’ve already synced your SkyDrive, the Sync Library wizard prompts you to specify the address of the library you want to sync.

Sync a team site library to your computer

The simplest way to sync a team site library is to go to the library and then click the SYNC button at the top of the page.

Sync a library to your computer

This opens the Sync Library wizard, and automatically recognizes name and web address of the team site library. Click Sync Now to start syncing the library. Click Show my files… in the dialog box to open your synced library folder in Windows Explorer. In Windows Explorer, the synced library folder is placed in the SharePoint Libraries folder. The synced library folder uses the name of the site library.

Team site libraries synced to a local computer

You can also start the Sync Library wizard from the SkyDrive Pro menu in your Windows system tray:

SkyDrive Pro menu in the Windows system tray

If you have yet to sync any SharePoint libraries to your computer, the Sync Library wizard automatically prompts you to sync your SkyDrive, and references the Web address of your SkyDrive. If you want to sync a different library such as a team site library, you can click Sync a different library instead and then enter the Web address of the SharePoint library you want to sync.

If you’ve already synced your SkyDrive, the Sync Library wizard prompts you to specify the address of the library you want to sync.


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Apply Information Rights Management to a list or library

You can use Information Rights Management (IRM) to help control and protect files that are downloaded from lists or libraries.

Apply IRM to a list or library

Microsoft Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) supports Information Rights Management for sites. No separate or additional installations are required.

Before you apply IRM to a list or library it must first be enabled in Central Administration for your site.


Additionally, a server administrator must install protectors on all front-end Web servers for every file type that the people in your organization want to protect by using IRM.

To apply IRM to a list or library, you must have at least the Design permission level for that list or library.

  1. Go to the list or library for which you want to configure IRM.
  2. On the ribbon, click the Library tab, and then click Library Settings (If you are working in a list, click the List tab, and then click List Settings).
  3. Under Permissions and Management, click Information Rights Management.
    If the Information Rights Management link does not appear, IRM might not be enabled for your site. Contact your server administrator to see if it is possible to enable IRM for your site. The Information Rights Management link does not appear for picture libraries.
  4. image
  5. On the Information Rights Management Settings page, select the Restrict permission to documents in this library on download check box to apply restricted permission to documents that are downloaded from this list or library.
  6. image
  7. In the Create a permission policy title box, type a descriptive name for the policy that you can use later to differentiate this policy from other policies. For example, you can type Company Confidential if you are applying restricted permission to a list or library that will contain company documents that are confidential.
  8. In the Add a permission policy description box, type a description that will appear to people who use this list or library that explains how they should handle the documents in this list or library. For example, you can type Discuss the contents of this document only with other employees if you want to restrict access to the information in these documents to internal employees.
  9. To apply additional restrictions to the documents in this list or library, click Show Options, and do any of the following:


10.     After you finish selecting the options you want, click OK.


What is Information Rights Management?

Information Rights Management (IRM) enables you to limit the actions that users can take on files that have been downloaded from lists or libraries. IRM encrypts the downloaded files and limits the set of users and programs that are allowed to decrypt these files. IRM can also limit the rights of the users who are allowed to read files, so that they cannot take actions such as print copies of the files or copy text from them.

You can use IRM on lists or libraries to limit the dissemination of sensitive content. For example, if you are creating a document library to share information about upcoming products with selected marketing representatives, you can use IRM to prevent these individuals from sharing this content with other employees in the company.

On a site, you apply IRM to an entire list or library, rather than to individual files. This makes it easier to ensure a consistent level of protection for an entire set of documents or files. IRM can thus help your organization to enforce corporate policies that govern the use and dissemination of confidential or proprietary information.

How IRM can help protect content

IRM helps to protect restricted content in the following ways:

  • Helps to prevent an authorized viewer from copying, modifying, printing, faxing, or copying and pasting the content for unauthorized use
  • Helps to prevent an authorized viewer from copying the content by using the Print Screen feature in Microsoft Windows
  • Helps to prevent an unauthorized viewer from viewing the content if it is sent in e-mail after it is downloaded from the server
  • Restricts access to content to a specified period of time, after which users must confirm their credentials and download the content again
  • Helps to enforce corporate policies that govern the use and dissemination of content within your organization
How IRM cannot help protect content

IRM cannot protect restricted content from the following:

  • Erasure, theft, capture, or transmission by malicious programs such as Trojan horses, keystroke loggers, and certain types of spyware
  • Loss or corruption because of the actions of computer viruses
  • Manual copying or retyping of content from the display on a screen
  • Digital or film photography of content that is displayed on a screen
  • Copying through the use of third-party screen-capture programs
  • Copying of content metadata (column values) through the use of third-party screen-capture programs or copy-and-paste action

How IRM works for lists and libraries

IRM protection is applied to files at the list or library level. When you enable IRM for a list or library, you can protect any file type in that list or library for which a protector is installed on all front-end Web servers. A protector is a program that controls the encryption and decryption of rights-managed files of a specific file format.

SharePoint includes protectors for the following file types:

  • Microsoft Office InfoPath forms
  • The 97-2003 file formats for the following Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • The Office Open XML Formats for the following Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • The XML Paper Specification (XPS) format

If your organization plans to use IRM to protect any other file types in addition to those listed above, your server administrator must install protectors for these additional file formats.

When IRM is enabled for a library, rights management applies to all of the files in that library. When IRM is enabled for a list, rights management applies only to files that are attached to list items, not the actual list items.

When people download files in an IRM-enabled list or library, the files are encrypted so that only authorized people can view them. Each rights-managed file also contains an issuance license that imposes restrictions on the people who view the file. Typical restrictions include making a file read-only, disabling the copying of text, preventing people from saving a local copy, and preventing people from printing the file. Client programs that can read IRM-supported file types use the issuance license within the rights-managed file to enforce these restrictions. This is how a rights-managed file retains its protection even after it is downloaded from the server.

The types of restrictions that are applied to a file when it is downloaded from a list or library are based on the individual user's permissions on the site that contains the file. The following table explains how the permissions on sites correspond to IRM permissions.


Specify whether the "New Folder" command is available

By default, the New Folder command appears in libraries. A library owner or a user with design permissions for the library can determine whether the New Folder command is displayed by changing the advanced list settings.

  1. Navigate to the site containing the library or list for which you want to specify if the “make new folder” command is available
  2. Click the name of the library on the Quick Launch, or click Site Actions, click View All Site Content, and then in the appropriate libraries section, click the name of the library.
  3. Choose Library Settings image
  4. Choose Advanced Settings
  5. Specify whether the “new Folder”command will be available image